Undergraduate Program in Management

Department of Management

The Undergraduate Program in Management (UPM) has ‘A’ Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and implemented the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI)-based curriculum, which is designed to nurture the future global leaders who master in applicative competencies (hard skills) and interpersonal skill. As an effort to improve the quality of education to an international standard, UPM is ready for international accreditation.

UPM equipped students with international and strategic-based elective courses for their respective fields of interest. There are four areas of specialization, namely: financial management, human resource management, marketing management, and operations management. To support mastery of each field of specialization, students may take a professional certification exam for the field of specialization which is directly provided by a competent professional institution, therefore, students will not only gaining a degree but also professional certification.

UPM equipped new students with an independent learning workshop and outbound management training (OMT). Moreover, there is capacity development that is given periodically every year through the Graduate Employability Development Program. In addition, UPM also equipped students with technology-based course such as enterprise resource planning (ERP). The graduates of UPM are equipped with four main advantages, namely entrepreneur talent, strategic thinker, problem solver and innovative leader. To achieve this objective, UPM provides leadership, entrepreneurship, and Islamic values materials for students.



from National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT)

Program’s Level

Bachelor Degree


Bachelor of Management

Program’s Duration

8 semester
