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Anas Hidayat, Drs. MBA., Ph.D

BIOGRAFI (Biography)

Anas Hidayat menempuh pendidikan Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) di Edith Cowan University, Australia, setelah sebelumnya memperoleh gelar sarjana Master of Business Administration (MBA) dari Central Queensland University, Austraia dan Doctoradus (Drs.) dari Universitas Islam Indonesia. Ia memiliki minat mengajar pada mata kuliah Marketing Management dan Consumer Behavior. Topik riset yang menjadi interesnya antara lain Relationship Marketing, Islamic Marketing dan Product Counterfeiting. Ia pernah menjadi Head of Department of Business and Economics, International Program, Fakultas Ekonomi UII.

PENDIDIKAN (Education)

  • Drs. (Doctorandus in Management), Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • MBA. (Master Business Administration), Central Queensland University, Australia
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), Edith Cowan University, Australia

MINAT MATA KULIAH (Teaching Interests)

  • Manajemen Pemasaran (Marketing Management)
  • Perilaku Konsumen (Consumer Behavior)

MINAT RISET (Research Interests)

  • Pemasaran Hubungan (Relationship Marketing)
  • Pemasaran Syariah (Islamic Marketing)
  • Produk Bajakan (Product Counterfeiting)

Hidayat, A., & Diwasasri, A.H.A. (2013). Factors influencing Attitudes and Intention to Purchase Counterfeit Luxury Brands among Indonesian Consumers International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 5 No. 4

Hidayat, A., Zalzalah, G.G., & Saifullah, M. (2015). The Role of Age as Moderating Variable on The Effect Of Relationship Marketing Toward Customer Loyalty Influence, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research Vol. 13 (4).

Hidayat, A.,  Zalzalah, G. G., Ekasasi, S. R. (2016). The Role of Relationship Marketing on Customer Loyalty toward Indonesian Fast Food Restaurant, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol. 24(S), pp. 215-224

Hidayat, A., Saifullah, M., Ishak, A. (2016). Determinants of Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty of Indonesian E-Commerce Customer, International Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 10 (S1), pp. 151-166

Budiman, S., Haryono, T., Haryanto, B., & Hidayat, A. (2017). Behavioural Model of Buying Intention of Counterfeited Products, International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Vol. 10(1), pp. 47–66

Hidayat, A., Setyaning, A.N.A., Zalzalah, G.G., Ekasasi, S.R. (2017). The Predictor of Young Consumers’ Interest in Online Purchasing in Indonesia, Science International (Lahore), Vol. 29(2), pp.515-519

Nugroho, A.P., Hidayat, A., Kusuma, H. (2017). The Influence Of Religiosity And Self-Efficacy On The Saving Behaviour Of The Islamic Banks, Banks And Bank Systems (BBS), Vol. 12(3), pp. 35-47

Hidayat, A., Linando, J.A., & Ekasasi, S.R. (2018). The Impact of University’s programs toward Alumni Perceived Development: A case Study in International Program, Faculty of Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia, Jurnal INOBIS, Vol. 1 (4)