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Anjar Priyono, SE., M.Si., Ph.D., CMPM.

BIOGRAFI (Biography)

Anjar Priyono menyelesaikan pendidikan doktor (Ph.D.) di University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), setelah sebelumnya memperoleh magister (M.Si.) dan gelar strata satu (S.E) di bidang manajemen dari Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ia memiliki minat mengajar pada mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian Operasi dan Manajemen Operasi Internasional. Topik riset yang menjadi interesnya antara lain manajemen operasi berkelanjutan, kapabilitas dinamis, reverse supply chain, dan remanufacturing. Ia pernah memperoleh hibah penelitian dasar unggulan perguruan tinggi dari Kemenristekdikti (2018 dan 2019). Selama meneliti, ia pernah berkolaborasi dengan beberapa perusahaan besar, seperti Rolls Royce, Caterpillar, dan Komatsu. Saat ini Anjar Priyono menjabat sebagai Ketua Program Studi Manajemen Program Sarjana Fakultas Ekonomi UII.

PENDIDIKAN (Education)

  • S.E. (Bachelor of Management), Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • M.Si. (Master of Science in Management), Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK.)

MINAT MATA KULIAH (Teaching Interests)

  • Metodologi Penelitian Operasi (Operations Research Methods)
  • Manajemen Operasi Internasional (International Operations Management)

MINAT RISET (Research Interests)

  • Sustainability Operations Management
  • Dynamic Capabilities
  • Reverse Supply Chain
  • Remanufacturing

Priyono, A., Dewi, E.I., Lim, S.A.H. 2019. Alliances as Dynamic Capability to Support Organizational Transformation: Empirical Findings from a State-Owned Enterprise. Foundations of Management, Vol. 11 (1), pg. 93-102.

Lim, S.A.H., Priyono, A., Mohamad, S.F. 2019. Introducing a Six Sigma Process Control Technique in a Food Production Line: Step-by-step Guideline and Critical Elements of the Implementation. Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications. Tokyo : 26-29 April 2019.

Priyono, A. & Idris, F. 2018. Analysing the adoption of Lean production in remanufacturing industry. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 11 (4), pg. 697-714.

Rafik, A. & Priyono, A. 2018. A new insight into alumni satisfaction model for Islamic higher education institutions (IHEI). Management Research Review, Vol. 41 (12), pg. 1411-1437.

Priyono, A., Nurysamsiah, S., Darmawan, B.A. 2018. Identifikasi elemen-elemen mikro kapabilitas dinamis sensing untuk pengembangan inovasi di usaha kecil dan menengah industri kreatif. Jurnal Siasat Bisnis, Vol. 22 (1), pg. 92-109.

Priyono, A. 2017. Understanding the benefits of product-service system for involved parties in remanufacturing. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 10 (2), pg. 323-351.

Priyono, A. 2017. Analisis pengaruh trust dan risk dalam penerimaan teknologi dompet elektronik Go-Pay. Jurnal Siasat Bisnis, Vol. 21 (1), pg. 88-106.

Priyono, A. & Yulita, A. 2017. Integrating Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment for designing service in hospital front office. Intangible Capital, Vol. 13 (5), pg. 923-945.

Zulaeha, Z. & Priyono, A. Pengaruh Integrasi Internal, Integrasi Eksternal, Dan Efek Komplementer Integrasi Dalam Rantai Pasokan Terhadap Inovasi Produk. MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Vol. 7 (2).

Priyono, A., Ijomah, W., Bititci, US. 2016. Disassembly for remanufacturing: A systematic literature review, new model development and future research needs. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 9 (4), pg. 899-932.

Priyono, A. 2016. The use of ICT platforms to promote knowledge exchange in project-based organisations. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Vol. 4 (2), pg. 5-21.

Priyono, A. 2016. Improving quality of interactivity between organisation and customers with the support of WhatsApp. Proceedings of 2016 Global Marketing Conference. Hong Kong: 21 July 2016, pg. 969-981.

Priyono, A. 2016. Cross-functional collaboration in sustainability contexts: exploratory studies in remanufacturing companies. Procedia Economics and Finance Vol. 35, pg. 553-562.

Priyono, A. 2016. Locomotive Remanufacturing to Support Sustainable Development: Lessons Learned from Indonesia. Management of Sustainable Development, Vol. 8 (1), pg. 23-27

Priyono, A., Bititci, U.S., Ijomah, W. I. 2012. Balancing supply and demand in reverse supply chain: a case study in remanufacturing company. Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society. Dordrecht : Springer.
