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Arif Hartono, S.E. M.Ec. Ph.D.

BIOGRAFI (Biography)

Arif Hartono menempuh pendidikan doktoral (Ph.D) di University of Warwick, setelah sebelumnya memperoleh gelar Master of Economics (M.Ec.) dari University of New England dan Sarjana Ekonomi (S.E.) dari Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ia memiliki minat mengajar pada mata kuliah Strategic Management, Innovation Management dan New Product Development. Topik riset yang menjadi interesnya antara lain Knowledge Sourcing Strategy, Open Innovation dan Social Media Marketing. Ia pernah berkerja untuk PT. DNP, PT Bank Negara Indonesia dan Perum BULOG. Arif Hartono mendapatkan postdoc fellowship dari Endeavour Scholarship di School of Management, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia.

PENDIDIKAN (Education)

  • S.E. (Bachelor of Management), Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • M.Ec. (Master of Economics), University of New England, Australia
  • Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Warwick, UK.

MINAT MATA KULIAH (Teaching Interests)

  • Manajemen Strategi (Strategic Management)
  • Manajemen Inovasi (Innovation Management)
  • Pengembangan Produk Baru (New Product Development)

MINAT RISET (Research Interest)

  • Knowledge Sourcing Strategy
  • Open Innovation
  • Social Media Marketing

Hartono, A (2018). Do Innovation Barriers Drive A Firm to Adopt Open Innovation Practices? Indonesian Firms’ Experiences. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 17(6).

Hartono, A. & Kusumawardhani, R. 2018. Innovation Barriers and Its Impact on Innovation: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Firms. Global Business Review, 20(5).

Hartono, A. & Kusumawardhani, R. 2018. Searching Widely or Deeply? The Impact of Open Innovation on Innovation Performance Among Indonesian Manufacturing Firms. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business,  33(2).

Hartono, A. & Mention, A. L. 2017. A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Sourcing Strategies and Innovation Barriers: Manufacturing Firms in High- and Middle-Income Countries. Submitted & revised to Journal of East-West Business.

Hartono (2019) Linking knowledge sourcing, transformation and exploitation activities for innovation: Evidence from UK manufacturing firms. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Bangkok, Thailand, March 5 – 7 2019.

Hartono, A. & Kusumawardhani, R. 2018. Do Different Knowledge Searching Activities Influence Innovation Decision and Innovation Performance Differently? An Exploratory Study on Indonesian Innovative Firms. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM), 08 – 10 August 2018, Bali, Indonesia. (Best Paper)

Hartono, A. & Kusumawardhani, R. 2017. Linking Innovation Barriers to Indonesian Manufacturing Firms’ Openness. Are They Connected? The 2nd International Conference on Accounting, Business and Economics (ICABE) 2017 Conference, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 26 – 17 October. (Best Paper)

Hartono, A. & Kusumawardhani, R. 2017. Searching Widely or Deeply? The Impact of Open Innovation on Innovation and Innovation Performance Among Indonesian Manufacturing Firms. The 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics & Business, 14-15 September 2017, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Best Paper)

Hartono, A. 2017. What Hamper Innovation of Indonesian Manufacturing Firms? Insight from the Indonesia Innovation Survey. The 5th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 26-17 April 2017, The Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hartono, A. 2016. Knowledge Sourcing Strategies and Innovation Barriers Across Manufacturing Firms in High- and Middle-Income Countries. The 14th GLOBELICS International Conference, 12-14October 2016, Bandung, Indonesia.

Hartono, A. 2014. Developing New Ideas & Capability-Based Framework for Innovation Process: Firm Analysis for Indonesia. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, 11-14 August 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
