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[person name=”[email protected]” picture=”https://accounting.uii.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Sigit-Handoyo-2.jpg” title=”NIK : 963120101″ twitter=”” linkedin=”” facebook=”” dribbble=”” linktarget=””]Sigit Handoyo menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 di Universitas Islam Indonesia pada tahun 1995 dan ia menyelesaikan S2 di Queensland University of Technology, Australia pada tahun 2008. Pada tahun 2010-2014, Sigit menjabat sebagai Vice Director, International Program FE UII dan pada tahun 2014-Januari 2017 menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Program Studi Akuntansi UII.[/person]


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  • S1 – SE  (Bachelor of Accounting), Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • S2 – MBus (Master of Business in Accounting), Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Minat Penelitian

  • Auditing
  • Forensic Accounting

Mata Kuliah

  • Auditing
  • Management Control System
  • Forensic Accounting


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Journal Articles

  • Handoyo, Sigit (1997) Manajemen Khas Jepang Sinergi Optimal antara Teknik dan Kualitas SDM. (Uniqueness of Japanese Management: Optimum Sinergy between Technique and Quality of Human Resources).  Jurnal Siasat Bisnis.
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2003) Tantangan Profesi Audit Sistem Informasi Indonesia Memasuki Era Informasi (The Challenge of Indonesia Information System Audit Entering Information Era). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis.
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2004) Berbagai Persoalan yang Harus Dipertimbangkan dalam Pra Pelaksanaan Merger (Problems to be considered in Pre-Merger). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis .
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2007) Sinergi Akuntansi Investigasi dan GCG sebagai Upaya Dalam Meminimalisasi Kebocoran Pajak (The Sinergy of Accounting Investigative and GCG as an Effort in Tax-Leaking Minimizing). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis,  7(10), pp. 876-887
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2008) Combating CorruptionRelated Money Laundering Activities in Indonesia: A Hope and Reality. Jurnal Sinergi, 10(1), pp. 55-66
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2008) The Second Generation Data Mining Technology as an Auditing Tool: A Challenge in Combating Money Laundering. Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis. (January)
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2008) The Vulnerability of Correspondent Banking on Money Laundering. Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 7(8), pp. 1172-1176
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2009) The Comparison Study of Accounting Standards: Implementation on Pharmaceutical Company. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia, 13(1), pp. 87-95
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2010) Dissecting Financial Performance and Business Industry on Port Business Company: Research Study on Port of Brisbane, Australia. Jurnal Optimum, 1(1), pp. 1-13
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2011) Sinergi Antara Good Corporate Governance dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Berkualitas dalam Meminimalisir dan Pencegahan Fraud dalam suatu Organisasi (A Sinergy between GCG and Qualified Human Resources in Fraud Minimizing and Prevention in Organization). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 7(10), pp. 876-887
  • Cahyono, Nike Andhini & Handoyo, Sigit  (2012) Pengaruh Computer Anxiety Terhadap Keahlian karyawan dalam Menggunakan Komputer (The Influence of Computer Anxiety Toward Employee’s Computer Skill). Jurnal Optimum, 2(1), pp. 28-37
  • Nugraha, Anggit Senja & Handoyo, Sigit (2012) Commitment and Sensitivity Ethics in Behavior and Experiences for Independence of Auditor. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia,16(1), pp 91-102
  • Handoyo, Sigit & Dwitama, Ridho (2012). Fraud dan mahasiswa (Fraud and student). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 13(9), pp. 1533-1551
  • Sari, Putri Kartika & Handoyo, Sigit (2013) The Influence of Profitability, Liquidity and Debt to the Dividend Payout Ratio in Manufacturing Company (Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2008-2010). Jurnal Siasat Bisnis, 17(1), pp. 90 – 100
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2013) Common Account and Money Laundering. Jurnal Optimum, 3(1), pp.74-80
  • Handoyo, Sigit (2013) Ketidakjujuran Benih dari Korupsi. (Honesty and Corruption: Islamic Point of View), Jurnal Al-Islamiyah. No.02 Year XIX. pp. 37-46
  • Fatmawati, Dwiayu & Handoyo, Sigit (2013) Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Perusahaan Terhadap Audit Report Lag (ARL) pada Perusahaan BUMN yang Tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (The Influence of Internal and External Factors toward Audit Report Lag: Study on Listed Companies on IDX). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 14(9), pp. 1749-1760
  • Kasim, Nawal, Zuraidah, Sanusi Mohd, Mutamimah, Tatik & Handoyo, Sigit (2013) Assessing the Current Practice of Auditing in Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia and Indonesia (collaboration research Indonesia and Malaysia). International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 4(6), pp. 414-418
  • Handoyo, Sigit & Rahmadani, Fitri (2013) Analysis of earning management and stock return on companies merger and acquisition. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 19(1) pp.86-97
  • Darmastuti, Lina Trianita & Handoyo Sigit (2014) The influence of independence, competence, behavioral ethics, and experiences of auditor for audit quality. Jurnal Optimum, 4(1), pp 34-44
  • Istorini, Levi Tri & Handoyo, Sigit (2014) Karakteristik Dewan Komisaris, Karakteristik Perusahaan, dan Keberadaan Risk Management Committee (Nature of Board Commissioners, Nature of Company and the Existence of Risk Management Committee). Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 18(2), pp. 201-214
  • Untari, Dwi Maharani Kartika & Handoyo, Sigit (2014) Gender, Independensi Penampilan (in Appearance), Pengalaman, Self-Efficacy dan Kinerja Auditor dalam Pembuatan Audit Judgment (Gender, Independence in Appearance, Experiences, Self-Efficacy and Performance of Auditor in Making Audit Judgment). Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 16(9), pp. 2049-2056
  • Aulia, Hida Rizki & Handoyo, Sigit (2015) Auditor dan Tingkat Materialitas (Auditor and Materiality Level) Jurnal Optimum, 5(2), pp. 181-193

Conference Papers

  • Handoyo, Sigit. December 2016. Fundamental Fantors of Corruption in Indonesia: a Fraud Triangle Analysis. 2nd Asia International Conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.


  • Fraud dalam Korporasi (Fraud in Corporation) (forthcoming, 2017)
  • Pengantar Akuntansi Forensik (Introduction to Forensic Accounting) (December 2016). Ekonesia. Faculty of Economics Press. Islamic University of Indonesia.

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  • Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI)

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  • International Collaboration Research, Accounting Research Institute (ARI UiTM)



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